another good article on bad working drawings

def worth a read.

this looks like an interesting addition to the raspi Zero

its a kind of multi purpose extension board, check it out.

My current project, a circuit that can remotely reboot a Rasp Pi.

right now I am working on a reboot circuit for my collecton of Pis.
Here is the basic circuit.

The Pi PCB board ( both the Zero and the larger rasp Pi 2 and 3 versions) feature a connection point where you can add a 2 pin header and create a remote reboot switch. on the rasp pi 2 and three you can see it here:

im building a little board with 8 transistor switches so i can reboot up to 8 Pi's remotely, from a master controller ( here a Raspi Zero)

ill post pics of the board and circuit shortly, and the results of the project.

update 1: i the reset button seems to work with the Zero, but for some reason the LED isnt lighting. still working on it...
Next im going to set up a rasp pi 2b with a header on the run/ground connection and then test the reset with that.

it looks like the prototype will have 5 channels. hopefully 4 of them will work....

So here it is, my home electronics lab...

so here it is. my home lab. we have all the basic tools and a basic start of about 10,000 parts, diodes, resistors, caps, transistors, etc

im ready to do some serious designing.

this is a pretty decent lab for a home experimenter.

the first major project is a couple of lab power supplies.

then a function generator.

and then a freq counter.

then we will see.....

been quiet, working on a plan

Im going to get a 3D printer.  98% sure a Prusa Mark3 kit. I've been working on learning FreeCAD and Blender, and planning this. more to...